Wednesday 12 June 2013

2.3.1 Building One Site Select:

Site Analysis.
While choosing the sites I was mainly focusing on sunlight and  view because these are two factors that couldn't  be easily adapted. So for my three conditions I chose views,  sunlight and sound.
My chosen site was the second site because I thought it would be the best to host my hermitage since it gets 4 hours of morning light which is  enough to heat the space for the entire day and the views this site had to offer were also considered. I didn't really take into account the sound as anyone could get used to it and so it wouldn't be a big issue.
This is how I've done my site analysis but I think they all look the same, so I'm thinking about being more specific for each site. I'm definitely going to redo it and to that I'll add the shadows for each site, show the accessibility, show how noisy the site is and show the view with more detailed images.

I'd be happy to receive any comment on how I can improve my site analysis.


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