Friday 12 April 2013

Final Contour Model - Daseul Kim

Our task was to create a model using our refined contour drawing.

Specifications for this task:
Size/Scale: 420mm x 420mm
Material: Foam Board or Cardboard 
Minimum Height: 75mm
Maximum Height: 100mm
This is the top view of my final contour model.
For my final contour model, I have tried to

follow my contour lines and to experiment with a variety of different levels (height) to show space and depth.

My final contour model meets the specifications.
 The size of the base of my model is 420mm x 420mm, 

 it is constructed out of white foam board with a thickness of 5mm, and it reaches 80mm (height).

This is my final refined contour drawing.

I found that my contour drawing did not flow due to the separation of the two contours,
in my model I wanted to try make the contours look as one, to create a connection between the two.
Therefore, the bottom few layers of my contour model follow the shape of the two parts as if it were one.

Close up of the layers

This picture of my contour model shows depth and the variety of different heights.

Through this task I have improved my crafting skills and if I were to do this task again,
I would try to cut my contour models more smoothly without having rough edges and to play with positive and negative space.

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