Saturday 6 April 2013

Week 6...

Hi All,

As you know this is the last week of the first quarter coming up....

First things first- I want you all to upload images of your completed contour models so that I can give you some feedback and check to see how you are all doing.
I expect that this will have been a busy weekend for all of you ... and I'm looking forward to see what progress you have made!!

For this week - All of you will need to bring in everything that you have produced to date. This is so that we can discuss how you can best organise the work for presentation on Thursday. This will also give you a chance to go through anything you have questions about or previous work that you have struggled with.

This is going to be a busy week!!


Here are some images to give you a little inspiration and hopefully motivate you to think creatively about how you are going to integrate the mass and void models into your contour models.

Consideration can be given to how the model relates and spaces are created around, underneath, and between the two...

Good luck! and see you all tomorrow.

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