Tuesday 30 April 2013

Final Presentation: 29th April 2013

 by Yujin Nah

This is my final presentation of the first assignment for studio. My final presentation is
different to the one from the last crit. It use to have been layed out in two coloums, as
you can see in the picture below. Before, there was too much empty space between the
mass and void model and the drawings, which I didn't like, it gave me an uneasy feeling.
Also with this layout, I realized the steps of my process was hard to follow. But, by
arranging the layout in a straight line allows it to flow more easily from one step to the
other and makes it easier to read.
From my last crit, because of my light pencil weight, the lines of my drawing were not
visible. So, by adding darker lines and shadings improved the problem.

This is a closer shot of my first half of the presentation.

 And this is the second half.

Finally, this is the new mass and void model, which I focused on carrying the concept
of the contrast between the curve and edge. My site model is very circular and curved
just like my refined contour drawing, but I saw a triangular shape where the mass and void
is sitting in the photo, therefore I have used this to create an edgy triangular model.
This final mass and void model reflects the prism form I used for my wood, wire and paper
model, as well as harmonizing with the site model naturally.


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