Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Ink Blot Progression - William Howse

I selected the following ink blot as it contained an extensive amount of colour change. This would become especially useful when creating contour diagrams based on its composition. The outer edges tended to be a slightly darker while the interior of the blot lines were significantly lighter. This created an element of depth in this particular ink blot.

 Transitioning into a simplified contour diagram (below) would be the most successful compared with my alternative ink blots due to this colour variation.

Simplification of my ink blot (geometrically) involved the removal of quite a lot of the incredibly decorative edges, reducing them to general curves. I didn't, however, want to lose the 'character' of my ink blot when doing so - I therefore tried to not simplify to a greater extent and avoided drifting too far from the original design.

Experimenting with various chading techniques (below), I managed to portray my ink blot in many forms, some far more simply than others.



Mixed techniques-

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