Monday 15 April 2013

William Howse - Site Model Explorations

The above photograph illustrates my later model developments. Initially I explored the concepts of creating space on the sides of the curves. From this I discovered the option of creating a linkage between two sides using my cone shape. After feedback at the Critique, I developed this concept and the results are shown above.

My initial "linkage" option (above) involved an extensive amount of cutting away and the formation of unusable space and a lack of consideration for human scale. I later developed this to create more voids, until I reached the proposal below. Another one of my negative criticisms was the lack of space cut within the actual cone, so I tried to address this in the below model. I was also criticised for having moved perhaps too far away from the cone shape (although this was ok in the initial stages) so I decided to pay more respect to the original shape in my next proposal (below) which I believe is successful in potraying the positive design elements from all my previous developments in one.

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